Something old, something new…cocktail edition

In our last post we discussed twists on the tradition of  ‘Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue,’ as it could be applied towards flowers. This time, we’re thinking about paying tribute to it in drink form.

Your ‘something old’ could be any classic cocktail, but it adds extra weight to the theme by adding the word ‘old’ to the name. How about an Old Fashioned?

image, and recipe found here.

A yummy classic mix of Bourbon, bitters, sugar, water, and an orange slice or maraschino cherry.

Your ‘something new’ is a great chance to showcase who you and your new spouse are in the form of a signature drink. Ask your caterer or bartender to create something special for you, and give it your own moniker. There are lots of recipes for signature drinks out there, but doesn’t that kind of treads onto the ‘something borrowed’ territory.

Borrow a favorite drink recipe of your father or grandparent. They’ll thank you for including their favorite tipple as part of your celebration! You can also wrack your parents’ memories for a special drink they served at their wedding as a special tribute.

Lastly, for the ‘something blue’ you might expect that I would turn to curacao, but that color kind of creeps me out, so why not turn to Bombay Sapphire Gin? The Bombay Sapphire Bramble is both delicious and pretty-a  great wedding combo!

Find the image and recipe here.

Ultimately, all parts of your wedding celebration should reflect you as a couple, so remember to put your own twists on an old tradition. Your cocktails can turn into mocktails too for those guests who are underage, pregnant, or just refrain from imbibing alcohol. Your ‘something old’ could be a Shirley Temple, or Roy Roger because they were your go-to cocktails of choice as a kid. Maybe the ‘something new’ has coconut water in it, since that’s a newer trend. ‘Something Blue’ could be a blueberry based smoothy- you get the idea- play with it!


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